Annotation Labs

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Need of data annotation in robotics industry

Artificial intelligence in assembly line automation and computer vision autonomous machines have been transformational industries. Computer vision in Robotics has resulted in higher manufacturing efficiency, improved quality control, and increased safety on the production line. 

AI & machine learning model is trained to achieve microscopic precision and identify minuscule defects which otherwise would result in expensive malfunctions. Attaining such accuracy requires high-quality annotated & labeled datasets.

How is data labeling used for robotics industry?

Annotation for Computer Vision Assembly Line Automation
Computer Vision for Automation of Downtime & Maintenance Prediction

3D bounding boxes for assembly line robot vision system

Computer Vision for Automation of Downtime & Maintenance Prediction

Polygon annotation for predicting maintenance and downtown of industrial robotics & machines

Autonomous Quality Assurance & Defect Detection AI ML

2D bounding boxes to identify product defects and do quality checks

Annotation tools used in robotics industry

Our experts at Annotation Labs closely understand your requirement to produce best in class results and fulfill your data annotation and data science needs.

Our beliefs behind each annotations

Core Value: Data Security & Privacy

Data Security & Privacy

Core Value: Fast Delivery & High Accuracy

Fast Delivery with High Accuracy

Core Value: Low Cost Pricing

Cost Effective Pricing

Core Value: Scalable Solutions by Expert

Scalable Solution by Experts

How are robotics used in the medical field?

Robotics are performing numerous tasks in the field of medicine. Robotics is changing how surgeries are carried out; they are helping and streamlining the dispensing of medication. They are used to carry out disinfection and also used to assist caregivers as they are used as virtual nurses and assistants inwards. Robotics also deliver and handle sensitive medical materials and laboratory specimens.

What are medical robots used for?

Medical robots are known well for their many roles in the medical field. In surgery, surgeons use robots to manipulate surgical instruments inside a patient’s body and promote minimally invasive surgeries. They also streamline hospital logistics, increase workplace safety, enhance patient-physician interaction, and improve patient care.

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